M2L6 : Horizontal Lists

Lesson 6 of Module 2 from the CWC+ Design Course introduces us to two methods of creating horizontal lists.

TabView Method

let items = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
var body: some View {
    TabView {
        ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
    }    .tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle())        .indexViewStyle(PageIndexViewStyle(backgroundDisplayMode: .always))

The TabView method places each element on its own screen, that’s automatically swipeable.

LazyHGrid Method

var body: some View {
    let row = GridItem(
        spacing: 5,
        alignment: .center
    ScrollView (.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
            rows: [row],
            content: {
                ForEach (0..<20) { index in
                    Text("Item \(index)")

The LazyHGrid method creates a proper horizontal list of elements, but it requires ScrollView() to make it swipeable.