In the second lesson of Module 5 of the Design Course from CWC+, JC talks us through identifying the needs of your target audience. This is enabled via a data gathering exercise asking people what they need from the app, what they’re not getting from existing apps, and what they […]
In this 5-minute introductory video, JC from CWC+ talks about various ways to get inspiration in order to kickstart your own design process. One website he uses is – don’t be like me and spell that “” just because you heard him say “”. Dribbble heavily-pushes “login with Google” […]
Views In Lesson 4 of Module 4 of the CWC+ Design Course, we learn about the essential “views” of iOS app design. JC begins by mentioning that there are many more views than just these essential ones, but he talks us through the main six here: Action Sheets provide for […]
Lesson 3 from Module 4 of the CWC+ Design Course sees us guided throught the essential elements of the various types of bars used for interfacing with our apps. Navigation Bar At the top of each screen, with minimal elements such as a “back” link, a title, and a control, […]
Lesson 1. Introduction In the first lesson of module 4 from the CWC+ Design course, JC Yee talks us through the main design principles that Apple desires and expects app developers to adhere to. It’s kind of like saying “don’t stray too far from what others are doing”. We’re reintroduced […]
Prototyping In Lesson 4 from Module 3 of the CWC+ Design Course, JC presents us with a 12-minute video guide of Figma‘s powerful prototyping tool. This one looks to be fairly intuitive once you get going, but it looks like Figma might be capable of far more than what the […]
Continuing on the previous video guide, JC guides us through almost 40 minutes for Lesson 3 from Module 3 of the CWC+ Design Course. As before, this is less like the lessons we’ve had previously with Chris and more “watch and listen” without any real interaction. I tried to follow […]
Module 3 of the CWC+ Design Course takes us through using Figma to create basic shapes and layouts under the guidance of JC Yee. I think I must be exceptionally stupid or something, but at points in this tutorial things just go nuts. After about 15 minutes, JC shows us […]