Lesson 3 of Module 6 from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course includes a warning to “modern” users (those using Xcode 13) regarding the dreaded “missing info.plist” problem. Set-up Setting up of the project uses CoreLocation, along these lines: Running the Simulation If you run the build in Xcode 13.2.1 (which […]
After the confusion and general in-depth “getting bogged down in it” finale of Module 5 from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course, we slide seamlessly into Module 6. Lesson 1 The first lesson introduces us to some of the new concepts we’ll be visiting this time around, including getting user data […]
Okay, so feeling a little brave, I decided to take a step back and allow myself as much time as I needed for this wrap-up challenge. I wanted to see how far I could get using just what I can remember from iOS Foundations up to this point, and what […]
The challenge is, essentially, to retrieve a piece of random text data from a website and display it, with an added link to change the data when prompted by the user. Retrieving remote data is something that appeals to me, as I’ve done quite a lot of that in the […]
The challenge this time says to: To do this, in the app’s Info.plist file, click the plus icon to add “App Transport and Security Settings” (should be included in the suggestions as you type). Sounds fine, except a new Swift UI app does not have an “Info.plist” file. Off to […]
Due to the way Xcode has been altered since the tutorial video of iOS Foundation’s Module 5 from CodeWithChris, the Learning App crashes when a certain sequence is performed. Run the Learning App, Tap “Swift Test”, Select “let” as the answer, but do NOT click “Submit”, Click “Get Started” to […]
A couple of lessons today from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course. Lesson 12, with help from Lesson 16 Lesson 12 sees us handle the quiz/test results, but it also requries a side-trip to lesson 16 in order to handle the Xcode 12.5+ “bug” that causes the last quiz question to […]
I’m taking a moment out of my coursework to try and get my head around Property Wrappers. When writing PHP code in the past, variables/objects were either local or global. If you used them within a function, then they were local to that function. If you wanted to use a […]