Over the last couple of days, I’ve been working through the CWC+ “Design Collection” – a series of videos introducing design aspects. We have covered some of this before, so I haven’t sat through all of the videos. In particular, JC’s videos involving Figma are at such a pace that […]
Yearly archives: 2022
In the Diving Deeper Into SwiftUI Views series of Live Videos, Mark Moeykens of Big Mountain Studio takes us through designing blueprints from inspiration to layout in Xcode. Other videos cover layouts, and when to use Grids, LazyHStack, etc. One video takes us through selecting a colour scheme using online […]
I’ve been enjoying this series of “live” videos so much that I’ve almost forgotten to blog about them. A refreshers: the CWC+ website offers access to a course called Working with SwiftUI Shapes. This is another name for the The SwiftUI Shapes Live Series presented by Mark Moeykens from Big […]
On the CWC+ website, a course called Working with SwiftUI Shapes is, apparently, another name for the The SwiftUI Shapes Live Series from Mark Moeykens from Big Mountain Studio. If you’ve been following my recent blog entries, you’ll already know that I’ve quickly become a big Mark Moeykens fan. His […]
After learning many concepts and processes the SwiftUI Views Specialist Course from Big Mountain Studio, I thought it appropriate to put the lessons into practice. I elected to try to recreate my old 1st4computing logo in SwiftUI, using only code. I’ve used SwiftUI sub-views for each separate component of the […]
The final series of lessons in this course covers using blurs and shapes to create effective backgrounds. As I take a moment to look back over this course, I feel that I’m much more confident with ‘Views’ than I was before. Although ‘Views’ are fairly straightforward in terms of logic, […]
Okay, so it’s been about ten days since my previous blog entry, but I’ve not been slacking. In fact, I’ve been working through the first 12 of 13 lessons from the SwiftUI Views Specialist Course, a course from Big Mountain Studio that’s now a part of CodeWithChris CWC+ package. In […]
In my quest to forge a path in learning to code by browsing the courses available from CodeWithChris, I came across some courses created by Big Mountain Studio. The first course on this journey is SwiftUI Views Specialist Course. On the surface, this appears to take us over old ground […]