It’s not what it looks like that matters, it’s what it does…

Okay, so I’ll admit it. Yesterday’s CodeWithChris challenge from Lesson 1 of Module 2 of the iOS Foundation course threw me out of my mindset for a moment.

Having watched the video about arrays, refamiliarising myself with what they are from other languages, and adapting what I knew to what I need to know, I expected the practical challenge to focus on that. It did, but in a way I didn’t expect. That left me a little confused, so I ended up approaching it backwards way on.

I did it the ‘Agatha Christie method’ – start with the last page, and work your way back to the start. I grabbed the ‘solution’, printed it off, cross-referenced the relevant pieces with the requirements of the lesson, then set to work on writing the code in my own hand to come up with my “learned” version of it.

It wasn’t how I’d expected to do the challenge, but I’m happy with how it turned out because I learned more about how these lessons will continue than and discovered that, so long as you code you will learn.

So, with my mindset suitably adapted for the course, it’s time to head on to the next lesson…