The primary problem with learning to code for iOS is that it’s nearly impossible to do it unless you have money. The last four days has consisted of three days of “hurry up and wait” and a fourth day of finally getting back to where I was in the first […]
In Lesson 4 of Module 6 from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundation course, we learn how to retrieve data from the API. I’ve never used Yelp before, so don’t really know what it is, so it’s a double-learning experience for me. There are two points of note from this lesson […]
After spending far too much time on the Info.plist issue, we’ve now moved on to how to get the user’s location. As this has taken seemingly forever, I’m jotting down a few pointers here. To set up our ViewModel to work with the location manager, we have to jump through […]
Lesson 3 of Module 6 from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course includes a warning to “modern” users (those using Xcode 13) regarding the dreaded “missing info.plist” problem. Set-up Setting up of the project uses CoreLocation, along these lines: Running the Simulation If you run the build in Xcode 13.2.1 (which […]
After the confusion and general in-depth “getting bogged down in it” finale of Module 5 from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course, we slide seamlessly into Module 6. Lesson 1 The first lesson introduces us to some of the new concepts we’ll be visiting this time around, including getting user data […]
Okay, so feeling a little brave, I decided to take a step back and allow myself as much time as I needed for this wrap-up challenge. I wanted to see how far I could get using just what I can remember from iOS Foundations up to this point, and what […]
The challenge is, essentially, to retrieve a piece of random text data from a website and display it, with an added link to change the data when prompted by the user. Retrieving remote data is something that appeals to me, as I’ve done quite a lot of that in the […]
The challenge this time says to: To do this, in the app’s Info.plist file, click the plus icon to add “App Transport and Security Settings” (should be included in the suggestions as you type). Sounds fine, except a new Swift UI app does not have an “Info.plist” file. Off to […]