It’s been almost a fortnight since my last blog post, but I’ve been pretty busy in the meantime. Since last time, I’ve been working tirelessly on my own app. I’ve used much that I’ve learned from CodeWithChris and Big Mountain Studio to create the “guts” of an app that can […]
As we begin Lesson 3 of Module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris highlights a potential future error for us to address. We copied our Persistence.swift file from another (new) project but, in order to ensure that the app runs correctly, we need to change a property in […]
After the delays of the previous three days, it’s back to Learning New Stuff. Lesson 5 sees us creating the models required for parsing the JSON data we receive from Yelp. With Lesson 6 being to turn that data into user-friendly views. For this we’ve been introduced to Section, which […]
A couple of lessons today from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course. Lesson 12, with help from Lesson 16 Lesson 12 sees us handle the quiz/test results, but it also requries a side-trip to lesson 16 in order to handle the Xcode 12.5+ “bug” that causes the last quiz question to […]
Today’s lesson takes advantage of any talent you may have when it comes to keyboard dexterity. It consists mostly of following Chris through setting up the JSON parsing. Keeping up with his keyboard speed requires above average keyboard dexterity, and even I had to hit ‘pause’ more than once for […]
A couple of lessons today bringing together all that we’ve learned so far in Module 2. I followed the first lesson through the full 30-minutes like a walkthrough. I always feel that typing (or writing in the traditional sense) what you’re going through helps it stay in the mind for […]
Following on from this morning’s lesson, Lesson 12 of CodeWithChris‘s Module 2 put the JSON techniques into practice. Data has to come from somewhere and, whether that’s from a database or a flat file, it’s still just data. JSON ensures that the data is available/presented in a common standard format. […]
I’m continually finding it amazing that much of that which I’ve taught myself over the years actually has a common method in use as a standard part of coding. The code that I concocted myself for my PHP scripts that handled data from MySQL/Maria pretty much utilised the flexibility of […]