Okay, so feeling a little brave, I decided to take a step back and allow myself as much time as I needed for this wrap-up challenge. I wanted to see how far I could get using just what I can remember from iOS Foundations up to this point, and what […]
App Development
The challenge is, essentially, to retrieve a piece of random text data from a website and display it, with an added link to change the data when prompted by the user. Retrieving remote data is something that appeals to me, as I’ve done quite a lot of that in the […]
The challenge this time says to: To do this, in the app’s Info.plist file, click the plus icon to add “App Transport and Security Settings” (should be included in the suggestions as you type). Sounds fine, except a new Swift UI app does not have an “Info.plist” file. Off to […]
Due to the way Xcode has been altered since the tutorial video of iOS Foundation’s Module 5 from CodeWithChris, the Learning App crashes when a certain sequence is performed. Run the Learning App, Tap “Swift Test”, Select “let” as the answer, but do NOT click “Submit”, Click “Get Started” to […]
A couple of lessons today from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundations course. Lesson 12, with help from Lesson 16 Lesson 12 sees us handle the quiz/test results, but it also requries a side-trip to lesson 16 in order to handle the Xcode 12.5+ “bug” that causes the last quiz question to […]
Today’s lesson (Module 5, Lesson 10, of CodeWithChris‘ iOS Foundations) deals with disabling buttons after an answer has been submitted, and changing the button colours if the answer is correct/incorrect. I have to admit, that this is the kind of coding that really appeals to me – logic. I felt […]
In lesson 9 of module 5 of the iOS Foundation course from CodeWithChris, we covered the Quiz Display view (or TestView as we’re calling it). Due to the time between the lesson being recorded and the lesson being viewed, changes were made in Xcode and iOS which results in the […]
This latest lesson from the iOS Foundation course, module 5, from CodeWithChris details how to keep track of which button the user pressed using tag and selection, whilst also providing an easy way to drill back to the top of the navigation chain. In the ViewModel, we create a variable […]