Today I had cause to take my latest CodeWithChris lesson remote. Although the videos can be watched on mobile devices, the need to run Apple’s Xcode in order to participate in the lessons pretty much ties me to my desk. Yes, a Mac mini is quite small and very portable […]
Today I learned … that, okay, yes there is a difference between class and struct. I’m still not fully clear why there needs to be a difference, or why one can’t be used in place of the other, but I’m sure that will become apparent. That difference being the difference […]
So, over the last several days, we’ve been learning many things that have a familiar feel to them. Struct, for instance, reminds me an awful lot of Class from my PHP OOP. Today we learned that we also use Class, which is very similar to Struct, only you can do […]
The reward for taking time to go over the previous lesson in the module is that the next one becomes more understandable. Today I learned … to not rush. It may be tempting to skip over the tough bits in the hope that all will be made clear, but learning […]
Okay, so I’ll admit it. Yesterday’s CodeWithChris challenge from Lesson 1 of Module 2 of the iOS Foundation course threw me out of my mindset for a moment. Having watched the video about arrays, refamiliarising myself with what they are from other languages, and adapting what I knew to what […]
Today I Learned ... to not over-reach. Projects in Xcode offer an option of setting up a Git resource. Git / GitHub is something I’ve come across from time to time – I guess every coder has – but I’ve never actually used it. So I looked into it this […]
Today my journey really begins. I feel that I’m standing at the shoreline of a great ocean. The ocean represents everything yet to learn. Behind me sits a small tide pool, representing the little that I’ve learned to date. My toe in the water’s edge is the Beginner’s 14-day challenge. […]
So, just recently I realised that my skillset was getting a little old. I’ve dabbled with web coding using languages such as PHP for about 20 years, but this has always been as a necessity of my work. I learned what I needed for the task at hand, and that […]