Today’s lesson in the Design Course from CodeWithChris looks at how we can create custom styles for our buttons. Once again, I enjoyed playing around with the design options for this. That’s been the delight of this Design Course for me – after the heavyweight coding tutorials of the iOS […]
Daily archives: 29 March 2022
3 posts
It sounds like the start of a joke but, actually, it’s one of the reasons why SwiftUI is difficult to code. Take, for example, the simple wish to create a Rectangle() with an outline. In SwiftUI, you use the .stroke modifier, thus: Great, huh? A nice outline around your Rectangle(). […]
You know a lesson is going to go well when it begins with Chris setting up an element and preceding his actions with the phrase “as you know”, only we don’t know any such thing. In this case, the lesson deals with styling “text fields”. Nowhere in the iOS Foundations […]