In the final lesson from module 3 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris talks us through setting up Firebase, and our Xcode app, to handle associating data with a user. The primary point of note is that we’ve previously been setting up Cloud Firestore in “test mode”. This can […]
iOS Databases – Module 3
3 posts
In this lesson of the CWC+ iOS Database course, Chris shows us how to set up our own custom log-in & create user forms to use with Firebase Auth. Creating our own forms eliminates one of the issues I highlighted in the previous post in that we’re not reliant on […]
Lesson 1 : Introduction In the introduction to the Firebase Authentication module from the CWC+ iOS Database course, Chris takes us through the familiar steps of setting up a new Xcode / Firebase project while introducing us to the extra steps needed to enable authentication. With Google making it fairly […]