I’ve noticed an error warning keeps cropping up in Xcode‘s output console when doing the iOS Database lessons and challenges. Until now it hasn’t really been an issue, but in the latest challenge it is. This is the error message: 2022-04-17 17:21:47.365853+0100 Firebase Demo[11383:331544] 8.15.0 - [Firebase/Firestore][I-FST000001] WatchStream (7faddcc0ad88) Stream […]
Lesson 10 from Module 1 of the CWC+ iOS Database course teaches us how to be notified of changes to our Firestore collections and databases. This code would notify us of any changes in the collection. Every time the collection changes, the completion handler will run. When we’re done with […]
Lesson 9 from Module 1 of the CWC+ iOS Database course covers reading data back from Firestore. To read back a single document, we can do this: Or, we can iterate through all documents, thus: Seems fairly straightfoward so far.
Lesson 8 from Module 1 of the CWC+ iOS Database course shows us how we can use completion handlers to check for errors when we interract with Firestore. We can use this when we try to delete a document, re: When updating a document, re: Just keeping this here to […]
Following on from the previous lesson, this short video teaches us the different ways we can delete records (documents) and key-value pairs from our Firebase. We can use the .updateData modifier to delete individual key-value pairs, thus: To delete the entire document, we would use the .delete() modifier thus: It’s […]
Following on from the previous lesson, this short video teaches us the different ways we can update our Firebase. We can use the .setData modifier to, effectively, overwrite all key-value pairs, thus: All key-value pairs will be deleted, and only those listed will be recreated. This has the effect of […]
In Lesson 5 of Module 1 of the CWC+ iOS Database Course, Micah shows us how to use Xcode to add data to our Firestore database. Having previously set-up Firebase, and ensuring we’ve added GoogleService-Info.plist to our Xcode project, we can use the following commands. Get access to our Firestore […]
Lesson 4 of Module 1 from the CWC+ iOS Dabatase course gets our “hands dirty” looking into how Firestore structures its data. I very much come from a background of MySQL / MariaDB, but I recall quite clearly a time from before I’d even heard of “SQL”. Firestore is NoSQL, […]