After taking a short break from the CWC+ courses, I believe it’s time to use what I’ve learned so far to embark on my own app journey. Implementing some of what JC took us through in the Journey Mapping lesson of Module 5 of the CWC+ Design Course, today I […]
Okay, I admit it, it’s been a couple of weeks since I #LearnedNewStuff. On the one hand, I had some business paperwork / documentation to get done and, on the other, I’ve been contemplating what’s next on this journey. There are many courses available from CodeWithChris CWC+, but no clear […]
Lesson 9 from the finale added the steps to save to Core Data, after which I embarked on a project of my own. I noted in my first post on this module that Chris was using a version of the Recipe App from Module 4 of the iOS Foundations course […]
This lesson takes us through the somewhat convoluted method by which an app can select a photo from the user’s photo library or use the camera. Apparently, this is long-winding and convoluted because it’s not yet something SwiftUI can do and so we use a lot of UIKit code. This […]
With lesson 6 of module 7 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, we see how to capture user input. Lesson 6 We have a new SwiftUI view for our input form: In our sub-view for the form, we have several TextFields bound to the properties sent from the previous call: […]
In lesson 5 of module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris shows us how to add a search box to our RecipeListView.swift by using a filter with our Core Data. And then we have our SearchBarView sub-view: One of the problems this lesson revealed was that the on-screen […]
Continuing with enhancing our (old) Recipe App with Core Data, lesson 4 from module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Satabases Course takes us through some important changes. We previously got all of our data from our RecipeModel, re: And we displayed the data, thus – Now we’re using Core Data, […]
As we begin Lesson 3 of Module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris highlights a potential future error for us to address. We copied our Persistence.swift file from another (new) project but, in order to ensure that the app runs correctly, we need to change a property in […]