I’ve seen a little about “delegates” when viewing code before, but it didn’t make sense. Lesson 10 of Module 6 from CodeWithChris takes us into UIKit, which is required for the MapView elements. I had to keep rewinding Chris’ video tutorial, but I don’t think much of it sank in […]
In this lesson, we learned to use the MapView, from UIKit, to show the business landmarks (from the Yelp! data) on the map. The key components of the code to do this are as follows: Method makeUIView is required to ensure the struct conforms to the UIViewRepresentable protocol. It effectively […]
Finding myself struggling quite a bit with the foibles of Xcode, whether it be taking an age to fire up the simulator, the simulator not playing well with the certificates from Proxyman, or Xcode not talking properly with GitHub, it’s with some relief that the most recent two lessons have […]
So, today, I hit further delays. I’ve had a reasonably successful few weeks learning CodeWithChris, running Xcode on my old Late-2014 Mac mini. I don’t know if something has changed recently, but I’m now running into issues. I’ve only been able to code for one day out of the last […]
After the delays of the previous three days, it’s back to Learning New Stuff. Lesson 5 sees us creating the models required for parsing the JSON data we receive from Yelp. With Lesson 6 being to turn that data into user-friendly views. For this we’ve been introduced to Section, which […]
The primary problem with learning to code for iOS is that it’s nearly impossible to do it unless you have money. The last four days has consisted of three days of “hurry up and wait” and a fourth day of finally getting back to where I was in the first […]
In Lesson 4 of Module 6 from the CodeWithChris iOS Foundation course, we learn how to retrieve data from the Yelp.com API. I’ve never used Yelp before, so don’t really know what it is, so it’s a double-learning experience for me. There are two points of note from this lesson […]
After spending far too much time on the Info.plist issue, we’ve now moved on to how to get the user’s location. As this has taken seemingly forever, I’m jotting down a few pointers here. To set up our ViewModel to work with the location manager, we have to jump through […]