We reach the end of Module 4, and the final “wrap up” challenge. Chris, from CodeWithChris, has set a challenge which will enable us to bring together everything we’ve learned so far. From the short introductory video, I know we’ve covered everything that the app needs to do, but I’ve […]
Lesson 14 of iOS Foundation’s Module 4 from CodeWIthChris is a short tutorial on how to use different fonts and font sizes, together with how we might go ahead with using custom fonts. Going through a project copy & pasting font details to all text blocks seems unnecessarily cumbersome. When […]
In the absence of challenges for these later lessons from Module 4 of the iOS Foundation course from CodeWithChris, Lesson 13 provides us with an additional ‘walk-thru’ in how to retrieve data dynamically and how it can be displayed as required on swipe, click, and selections from the user. There’s […]
Lesson 12 of Module 4 in the iOS Foundations course from CodeWithChris deals with putting the mathematical formula into the recipe app so that the app will display the correct portion sizes depending on how many servings the user requires. I have to admit that I would have arranged the […]
Lesson 10 of Module 4 of the iOS Foundations course from CodeWithChris covers the maths required for our Recipe App. Pretty straightforward, but it’s nice to have a reminder. This one takes me back over 40 years to a time when we’d just moved to a new town, and I’d […]
The only constant is change, as the saying goes. Lesson 9 of Module 4 deals with the Picker – what I previously knew as <SELECT> ... </SELECT> in good old HTML. I swear these things would be easier to learn if they didn’t change the names willy-nilly. Following the tutorial […]
Module 4 Lesson 8 introduces LazyVStack which, initially, doesn’t look much different to VStack, but I’m sure it will in the end. The lesson today is mostly cosmetic changes to the RecipeApp, and the challenge is to use LazyVStack to create a scrollable list of variable shaped rectangles. The challenge, […]
Lesson 7 of Module 4 was a walkthrough of creating a swipeable “featured view” for the Recipe App that we’re creating in the module. Both educational and bewildering at the same time. Bewildering in that there are so many options, but educational in that it appears “easy” to do. The […]