Lesson 9 from the finale added the steps to save to Core Data, after which I embarked on a project of my own. I noted in my first post on this module that Chris was using a version of the Recipe App from Module 4 of the iOS Foundations course […]
iOS Databases – Module 6
This lesson takes us through the somewhat convoluted method by which an app can select a photo from the user’s photo library or use the camera. Apparently, this is long-winding and convoluted because it’s not yet something SwiftUI can do and so we use a lot of UIKit code. This […]
With lesson 6 of module 7 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, we see how to capture user input. Lesson 6 We have a new SwiftUI view for our input form: In our sub-view for the form, we have several TextFields bound to the properties sent from the previous call: […]
In lesson 5 of module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris shows us how to add a search box to our RecipeListView.swift by using a filter with our Core Data. And then we have our SearchBarView sub-view: One of the problems this lesson revealed was that the on-screen […]
Continuing with enhancing our (old) Recipe App with Core Data, lesson 4 from module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Satabases Course takes us through some important changes. We previously got all of our data from our RecipeModel, re: And we displayed the data, thus – Now we’re using Core Data, […]
As we begin Lesson 3 of Module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris highlights a potential future error for us to address. We copied our Persistence.swift file from another (new) project but, in order to ensure that the app runs correctly, we need to change a property in […]
Wow, that was pretty “interesting” to say the least! After a brief introductory video (lesson 1), lesson 2 of module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Database Course takes us down the rocky road of modifying our old iOS Foundations Recipe App ready to use Core Data. Before we start, there’s […]