Once again it’s been quite some time (five weeks) since my last blog post. Getting my head stuck into this app is really making the time fly by unnoticed. Early in September, I noticed that I was really starting to get bogged down in the code. The trouble with “learning […]
Core Data
It’s been almost a fortnight since my last blog post, but I’ve been pretty busy in the meantime. Since last time, I’ve been working tirelessly on my own app. I’ve used much that I’ve learned from CodeWithChris and Big Mountain Studio to create the “guts” of an app that can […]
The lack of recent blog posts doesn’t mean I’ve been idle for the last ten days. Oh no. Having read through Core Data (Quick Start) in SwiftUI from Big Mountain Studio, I figured that it was about time that I put some of Mark’s teachings into practice. I’ve had an […]
Apple has a reputation for creating products that “just work”, and that may be true if you’re a consumer whose requirements are met by using apps on an iPhone / iPad. However, in order to create apps that “just work”, the App Developer needs to tussle with many things that […]
Lesson 9 from the finale added the steps to save to Core Data, after which I embarked on a project of my own. I noted in my first post on this module that Chris was using a version of the Recipe App from Module 4 of the iOS Foundations course […]
Continuing with enhancing our (old) Recipe App with Core Data, lesson 4 from module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Satabases Course takes us through some important changes. We previously got all of our data from our RecipeModel, re: And we displayed the data, thus – Now we’re using Core Data, […]
As we begin Lesson 3 of Module 6 of the CWC+ iOS Databases course, Chris highlights a potential future error for us to address. We copied our Persistence.swift file from another (new) project but, in order to ensure that the app runs correctly, we need to change a property in […]
We learn in lesson 4 of module 5 from the CWC+ iOS Database course, that we can sort our core data on fetch using sortDescriptors, which is an array of keys to sort plus a parameter for whether that sort should be in ascending order or not. In its simplest […]