For module 3, CodeWithChris introduces us to iOS Developer Mikaela Caron. Over three lessons, Mikaela takes us on a whirlwind introduction to Git and GitHub. Git / GitHub is something I’ve heard of but never used. I tried to figure it out for myself a few days ago, but it […]
The last couple of lessons for module 2 taught us how to put get data from a JSON file, arrange it for display, add in navigation and bring it all together in a workable app. It feels like a whole lot of stuff in this module has gone over my […]
A couple of lessons today bringing together all that we’ve learned so far in Module 2. I followed the first lesson through the full 30-minutes like a walkthrough. I always feel that typing (or writing in the traditional sense) what you’re going through helps it stay in the mind for […]
Following on from this morning’s lesson, Lesson 12 of CodeWithChris‘s Module 2 put the JSON techniques into practice. Data has to come from somewhere and, whether that’s from a database or a flat file, it’s still just data. JSON ensures that the data is available/presented in a common standard format. […]
I’m continually finding it amazing that much of that which I’ve taught myself over the years actually has a common method in use as a standard part of coding. The code that I concocted myself for my PHP scripts that handled data from MySQL/Maria pretty much utilised the flexibility of […]
After yesterday’s Mac-sized stumbling block, it’s back to the lesson. Yesterday (and this morning) I learned … Optionals. Optionals are a way to allow an element to hold a nil value, or where the value is absent. An “optional” is a wrapper around an element that exists in one of […]
Well, I’d like to offer up a blog post regaling the world with what I’ve learned from CodeWithChris today, but I can’t. Today was a case of some enforced learning about the Mac mini. Today, the Mac mini took it upon itself to do … nothing. After watching Chris’ video […]
Today’s lesson, lesson 8 from module 2, builds on yesterday’s insight into MVVM. The challenge requires bringing several things together that we’ve learned up until now. It’s only when you face a challenge like this that you realise how little has actually “sunk in” to the ol’ brain box. But […]