The introduction to iOS Foundations Module 5 from CodeWithChris details the new LearningApp that we’ll be creating. It looks initially similar to the previous RecipeApp with the addition of new navigation screens and user feedback/responses. The section I’m most excited about is retrieving data from remote sources – something I’ve […]
The completed ’Challenge’ app from Module 4 of the iOS Foundations course by CodeWithChris is a book preview app. Naturally, I replaced the general book covers and text with my own (well, who wouldn’t?). The app opens with a scrollable list of book covers, including title and author. The book […]
The Challenge so Far The challenge concludes: Created ‘Ratings’ selection Picker(), Learned about .onAppear, which replaces the default rating with the book’s rating once the book has been selected. The challenge solution uses a new element indices – another one we haven’t encountered before. It’s some kind of challenge when […]
The Challenge so Far Continuing the Book Library wrap-up challenge, trying to get over the latest hurdle: Debugging – trying to figure out why my code that looks okay doesn’t want to show much other than the title. Must be something wrong with the JSON or the decoding. If I […]
The Challenge so Far Continuing the Book Library wrap-up challenge: Create CoverCard view, Install GitHubforWindows on PC, Set-up book preview view, Needed to look back on past lessons to try and remember everything, and the syntax for everything. Not sure too much has actually sunk in… Start setting up initial […]
We reach the end of Module 4, and the final “wrap up” challenge. Chris, from CodeWithChris, has set a challenge which will enable us to bring together everything we’ve learned so far. From the short introductory video, I know we’ve covered everything that the app needs to do, but I’ve […]
Lesson 14 of iOS Foundation’s Module 4 from CodeWIthChris is a short tutorial on how to use different fonts and font sizes, together with how we might go ahead with using custom fonts. Going through a project copy & pasting font details to all text blocks seems unnecessarily cumbersome. When […]
In the absence of challenges for these later lessons from Module 4 of the iOS Foundation course from CodeWithChris, Lesson 13 provides us with an additional ‘walk-thru’ in how to retrieve data dynamically and how it can be displayed as required on swipe, click, and selections from the user. There’s […]